Support Mikey's Fish Farm

Mikey's Fish FarmÌýconstruction is complete! Thanks to generous donors, we began our pilot operationÌýof Pond 1 with 3600 catfishÌýin August 2019. This is allowingÌýus to learn as we raise funds for full operations of all six ponds.Ìý

Six ponds will yield more than 3000 kg of fish monthly giving Okurase village a needed source of income and protein. We are now raising operational fundsÌýto buy juvenile fish and fishÌýfood and to support labour costsÌýand supplies for moving forward after the pilot.

We are focused on raising funds for the full operations of all six ponds for one year. This will enable us to support Mikey's Fish Farm on its way to financial independence. Purchasing items listed below will help us reach our goal of a successful and financially independent fish farm!

Our Progress Toward the Initial $10,000 For Full Operations

We have raised $2,590.00 of our $10,000.00  goal.


The item(s) you choose will be purchased in Ghana and sent directly to Mikey's Fish Farm in Okurase.

Things We Need for Mikey's Fish Farm

General Donation
General Donation

General Donation

General Donation

This item will allow you to make a general donation of any amount that will be used for the most pressing fish farm need.

Thank you for your support!

3,915 Needed
@ $1.00 ea.
Juvenile Fish plus Food by the Fish
Juvenile Fish plus Food by the Fish

Juvenile Fish plus Food by the Fish

Juvenile Fish plus Food by the Fish

Purchase juvenile fish by the individual fish for our ponds which we will grow to one kg.

21,550 Needed
@ $1.00 ea.
Juvenile Fish plus Food by the Pond
Juvenile Fish plus Food by the Pond

Juvenile Fish plus Food by the Pond

Juvenile Fish plus Food by the Pond

We will have six ponds. One pond a month will be filled with fish until all six ponds are full. It takes about six months to grow each fish to full size. Therefore, once we are in full production, we will be harvesting and then filling one pond a month.

Purchase in US Dollars of juvenile fish by a portion of a Pond:

1/16 of a Pond is 300 juveniles = $300

1/8 of a Pond is 600 juveniles = $600

1/4 of a Pond is 1200 juveniles = $1200

1/2 of a Pond is 2300 juveniles = $2300

One full Pond is 3600 juveniles = $3600

21,300 Needed
@ $1.00 ea.
Fish Farm Managers
Fish Farm Managers

Fish Farm Managers

Fish Farm Managers

Two full-time supervisors will watch over the fish, feed the fish, and manage the fish farm during operations.

Labour Cost in US Dollars is $25 per week per Supervisor.

1 week for 1 Supervisor - $25

1 week for 2 Supervisors - $50

1 month for 1 Supervisor - $100

1 month for 2 Supervisors - $200

3 months for 2 Supervisors - $600

6 months for 2 Supervisors - $1200

1 year for 2 Supervisors - $2400

2,400 Needed
@ $1.00 ea.
Harvest Labor
Harvest Labor

Harvest Labor

Harvest Labor

Every month we need 3 additional part-time harvest labours to help us on harvest day.

The cost for harvest labour in US Dollars:

1 harvest labour for 1 month - $16

2 harvest labours for 1 month - $32

All 3 harvest labours for 1 month - $48

All 3 harvest labours for 3 months - $144

All 3 harvest labours for 6 months - $288

All 3 harvest labours for 1 year - $576

576 Needed
@ $1.00 ea.
Solar Lighting
Solar Lighting

Solar Lighting

Solar Lighting

We will need solar lighting around the fish pond for maintenance and security.

Each good quality solar farm light is $200.

6 Needed
@ $200.00 ea.
Storage/Security Building w/Sleeping Quarters
Storage/Security Building w/Sleeping Quarters

Storage/Security Building w/Sleeping Quarters

Storage/Security Building w/Sleeping Quarters

We need to build a cinder block storage shed for fish feed and fish farm equipment with room for a security person to sleep if needed. The cost will be $4100 US Dollars. Any donation toward the cost of the building is appreciated!

3,900 Needed
@ $1.00 ea.