The Village of Okurase

Okurase is a rural village in the eastern region of Ghana, about one and one half hours from the capital of Accra.

Walking Home At Dusk

The village is home to approximately 3,500 people, one-half of whom are children. They are kind and hardworking people. Most of the adults are subsistence farmers and carvers. Okurase is composed of seven sub-communities that represent different tribes of Ghana:

  1. Fantefum
  2. Brekufum
  3. Lartehfum
  4. Zongo
  5. Ewe Community
  6. Newtown
  7. Nkabom

The village is guided by their leaders. There is one Chief, some sub-Chiefs for specific focus areas (e.g. Development) and Elders who represent each of the sub-communities.

Okurase Residents

The village of Okurase is headquarters for ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ in Ghana. The leaders of the village have been working with ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ and with volunteers from Ghana, the U.S. and around the world to address their main life challenges and develop opportunities in the people of their village for over a decade. We have developed a strong and trusting relationship which provides a solid platform for working together to address the needs of the village.

Where is Okurase, Ghana?

A Few Village Pictures
